Sunday Evenings 5:00 to 6:15. Children’s Choir is open to all children 3 years old to 6th grade.
children in action
Children in Action (CA) provides children K to 5th grade the opportunity to learn about, pray for, give to and do missions work.
Children in Action meets Wednesday evenings during our regular Wednesday evening service.
For more information about CA at Durant Chapel, please call the Church office or:
Cody Day 251-228-6341

It’s never too early to start planning to fill your shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child! After each holiday appropriate items to fill your shoeboxes are on sale. Just before school starts classroom supplies are inexpensive (crayons, notebook paper, pencils, etc.), at the end of summer flip-flops and other summer items are affordable, and right after the Christmas season toys and seasonal items are available at reduced prices.
At Durant Chapel’s April, 2015 Business Meeting changes to our membership policy were approved. Part of the changes include the requirement for new members to attend a New Member Orientation Class prior to being accepted as a new member.
Everyone is encouraged to attend a class when they are scheduled.
To check dates of classes, please call the Church Office.